Minutes: Mar 20, 2018


 Call to Order: President Doug Hodson called the meeting to order at 9:00am

Pledge of Allegiance was led by: Doug Hodson

Roll Call by Secretary John Whitney

President: Doug Hodson, Vice Pres: Rick Yeo, Secretary: John Whitney, Treasurer: Gary Druckrey, Club Liaison: Bob Larsen, Member at Large: John Coyle, Member at Large: Tony Tilt.

Committee Chairmen:

Handicap/SCGA:  Clint Jay, Membership: Brian Duckworth, Tournaments: Orest Kruhlak, Publicity: Dennis Hanks, Hearts and Flowers: David Shaw, Hole-in One: Ken Gordon, Social: Howard Hudson, Rules: Byron Harvie, AM Sweeps: Ken Gordon, PM Sweeps: Vacant, Past President: John Coyle, Parliamentarian: Dale Erickson, Canadian Representative: Chris Marshall, Webmaster: Jim Pollard.

Absent Board Members:  David Shaw,Dale Erickson, Jim Pollard

Minutes:  Without objection, the minutes of the General Membership meeting of February 20, 2018, as posted on the Men’s Club Website, will be approved by unanimous consent.  Approved.

Treasure’s Report: The Treasurer’s report is posted on the bulletin board. Balance forward:

$21,635.73, Deposits: $26,390, Expenses: $34,064.63, Register Balance: $13,969.10,        Tournament Fund: ($2390) Current Men’s Club balance: $8490.56. This report is posted on the bulletin board.

Officers Comments/Reports:

President, Doug Hodson:

Many thanks to Byron Harvie for his presentation on the new Golf Rules that take affect on January 1, 2019. In conjunction with that, thanks to Jim Pollard for coming out early this morning to set up the visual presentation.

Please sign up for the Presidents Cup tournament.  The computer will form groups with A, B,C and D players playing together.

Doug said that the installation of the new officers will take place in April.  The new administration will take over June 1st.

Doug said it has been brought to his attention that 3 and 4 carts are going out at a time with only four players.  This practice takes a toll at the end of the tee box when riders drive on to the   course, rather than follow the 90-degree rule.  Numerous carts are hitting the same spots, tearing up the grass.  Also, some drivers are not keeping all four tires on the path, which damages the grass just off the path.   There may be exceptions, such as a need to take something around with them (Oxygen) or if one player smokes and needs to be alone.  See Bob B. for exceptions.

There should not be an instance where four carts are necessary.

If you need to minimize walking to the green because of health, try to line up someone to play with you who can drop you off by the green and pick you up at a spot level with the green after putting.  This should eliminate excessive walking and minimize exertion.

VP, Rick Yeo:  N/R

Secretary, John Whitney: Approval of last month’s minutes.

Treasurer: Gary Druckrey:  See Financials above

Club Liaison: Bob Larsen:

Please don’t complain to individual course maintenance workers if you observe something you disapprove of.  If you have an issue, contact Andy Diaz or Bob B.  This is not just a request, it is an HOA rule.

There was a heated discussion at the Golf Committee concerning the problems experienced during the Women’s Member-Guest tournament because of the Men’s CAN/AM tournament on the same day.  There were many complaints about slow play and a big and recurring problem of golf carts clogging up the area around the 1st tee.  It was so bad that the players couldn’t get to the 10th tee because of all the carts plugging up the path.  Throw in a Frost Delay and three more teams added as “C” groups and you have a very bad situation. Changes may be necessary next year to accommodate both tournaments.

The PDG Board discussed the issue mentioned by Doug of too many golf carts per group.  There may be justification occasionally for three carts per group (smoker in the group) but not four.  The major problem occurs where carts enter and exit the cart path.  The more carts, the more damage.  It would help also if drivers would not let the tires stray from the cart path around the tee box and greens.

There is a push to improve WiFi in the area, especially now that channel 98 is being deactivated.  They are looking to improve notifications to golfers, especially for Frost Delays.  There has been a suggestion that Frost Delay’s only last 30 min. to help PM golfers finish on time.  The most effective method would be an Email Blast to members.  Stay tuned!

Please be aware of divots and ball marks on greens.  We all need to police the fairways and continue to fix ball marks regularly.

Member -at-Large, John Coyle:  N/R

Member -at-Large, Tony Tilt: N/R

Handicap, Clint Jay: N/R

Membership, Brian Duckworth: Member renewal forms for the PDG Men’s Club will be available within a day or two.     

Tournaments, Orest Kruhlak:

Presidents Cup will be played a week from tomorrow.  Applications are available now.

Due to our policy of not charging for playing in the Club Championship and players not showing up for lunch (7 to 10 players), we took an approximately $200 loss on lunches purchased.  This is inconsiderate behavior and an unnecessary burden on the Men’s Club.  The Men’s Club will address this issue and determine a course of action for future Club Championship formats.

If you know you won’t be coming for lunch, please let us know so we can cancel your meal.

Orest handed out prizes for the Match Play winners.

First Flight:  Steve Warren, Second Flight:  Kerr Hode, Third Flight:  Larry Miracle

Publicity, Dennis Hanks:  N/R

Hearts & Flowers, David Shaw:  N/R

Hole-in-One, Ken Gordon:  5 Winners so far who will split the pot.

Social, Howard Hudson: N/R

SCGA, Clint Jay: N/R

Rules, Byron Harvie: Byron gave a presentation on Rule Changes due out January 1, 2019.  There are many changes, mostly the common-sense type.  We will see more later, the closer we get to 2019.  Our thanks to Byron for the sneak-peak and for shepherding us on the straight and narrow.

AM Sweeps, Ken Gordon:  N/R

PM Sweeps, (Vacant Position):  N/R

Past President, John Coyle: Please let us know if you aren’t going to participate in lunch after tournaments.  It is the right thing to do.

Parliamentarian, Dale Erickson:  N/R

Canadian Representative, Chris Marshall:  Canadians will be leaving for home in the next couple of weeks and Chris will be stepping down as our Canadian Representative.  Rich Davidson will become the voice of the Canadian community.  Chris will be moving over to the Tournament committee with Bob Shakespeare to co-chair that position.

Webmaster, Jim Pollard:  Doug reported for Jim.  The Policy Statements will be added to the Website for all to read.



John Coyle moved that we nominate Doug Hodson for “Lifetime Membership” for his dedicated service to the Men’s Club and the Association in general.  The nomination was seconded and passed.


ADJOURNMANT.   President Doug Hodson adjourned the meeting at:  10:25 AM


Previous General Membership Meeting Minutes

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