Minutes: Apr 17, 2018

General Membership Meeting of April 17, 2018

Call to Order: President Doug Hobson called the meeting to order at 9:00am

Pledge of Allegiance was led by: Steve Warren

Roll Call by Secretary John Whitney

Absent:  Orest Kruhlak, Jim Pollard, Tony Tilt, Brian Duckworth, Ken Gordon, Howard Hudson, Byron Harvie, Dale Erickson

President: Doug Hodson, Vice Pres: Rick Yeo, Secretary: John Whitney, Treasurer: Gary Druckrey, Club Liaison: Bob Larsen, Member at Large: John Coyle, Member at Large: Tony Tilt.

Committee Chairmen:

Handicap/SCGA:  Clint Jay, Membership: Brian Duckworth, Tournaments: Orest Kruhlak, Publicity: Dennis Hanks, Hearts and Flowers: David Shaw, Hole-in One: Ken Gordon, Social: Howard Hudson, Rules: Byron Harvie, AM Sweeps: Ken Gordon, PM Sweeps: Vacant, Past President: John Coyle, Parliamentarian: Dale Erickson, Canadian Representative: Chris Marshall, Webmaster: Jim Pollard.

Minutes:  Without objection, the minutes of the General Membership meeting of March 20, 2018, as posted on the Men’s Club Website, will be approved by unanimous consent.  Approved.

Treasure’s Report: The Treasurer’s report is posted on the bulletin board. Balance forward: $13,969.10, Deposits: $9,240, Expenses: $14,603.77, Register Balance: $8605.33, Tournament Fund: ($150), Hole-in-One Fund: $1080, Current Men’s Club balance: $5294.17.  This report is posted on the bulletin board.

Officers Comments/Reports:

President, Doug Hodson: Doug began the meeting with the official Installation of new officers who will lead the Palm Desert Greens Men’s Club, effective June 1, 2018: John Coyle (President), Ron Hagedorn (V.P.), Clarke Sharar (Treasurer) and John Whitney(Secretary).  All four officers will be authorized to sign checks for the Men’s Club, after completion of necessary paperwork provided by the Club’s Bank.

Mr. Hodson thanked all current members of the Board who will be stepping down from office.  Those in attendance who will be stepping down are: Clint Jay (Handicaps/SCGA), Bob Larsen (Liaison), Rick Yeo (V.P.), Gary Druckrey (Treasurer) and Dennis Hanks(Publicity).  We also must thank Doug, who will change positions and remain an active member of the Board.    

Doug thanked all Board Members for helping him these past two years but reminded everyone that he will still be involved in the Club.  Doug will take over Membership responsibilities and assist Steve Warren with Handicap matters.

VP, Rick Yeo:  N/R

Secretary, John Whitney: N/R

Treasurer: Gary Druckrey:  See Financials above

Club Liaison: Bob Larsen:

This will be Bob’s last meeting as Club Liaison.  He will be out of the Country next month and May is his last month in office for the Club.  Bob has done a great job of coordinating activities of our Club with the Association Board.

Bob thanked the Green Repair Committee and all the members (Men and Women) who take time to repair ball marks on all 18 greens. 

Andy Diaz has stated that the greens are firm and probably don’t need as much tender, loving care until next season.  This means that we all must keep repairing our ball marks and a few more to maintain the quality of our greens.   

Bob also said that the grass on the edge of the fairways, next to the cart paths, has improved and he complimented everyone for their diligence.  There are still some worn sections on the Course that can be improved. 

Please close out your Pro Shop credits as they will disappear if not claimed by June 30th

On May 1, 2018, the Shotgun start times will be 7:00 am and 11:30 am. 

There was a suggestion from the floor to institute a policy of players fixing their ball mark and two others on greens.  This will help maintain the excellent shape of our greens.  Bob will suggest it to the PDG Board. 

Member -at-Large, John Coyle: N/R 

Member -at-Large, Tony Tilt: N/R

Handicap, Clint Jay:  N/R 

Membership, Brian Duckworth: N/R  

Tournaments, Orest Kruhlak:  John Coyle reported for Orest that the Mini Member tournament is sold out at 144 players.  We will be playing a 4-person Scramble and it is an “all net” tournament. The team handicap will be noted on the scorecard. There will be payouts for five teams in three flights.  There will be 50/50 and Blackout games.  You will be able to win a KP but there are no money holes.  The Men’s Club Board decided to “comp” our loyal lady helpers who volunteered during the year at our various tournaments.     

Publicity, Dennis Hanks:  Dan Cameron was introduced as our new Publicity Chair.

Hearts & Flowers, David Shaw:  A “Get-Well” card was sent to George McGinnis and “Thinking of You” cards were sent to Phil Fields and Glen Weller.  David mentioned that the recent email “blast” about the Skins game on Wednesday increased participation and may be a good thing to do in the future.

Hole-in-One, Ken Gordon:  N/R

Social, Howard Hudson: N/R 

SCGA, Clint Jay: N/R

Rules, Byron Harvie:  N/R

AM Sweeps, Ken Gordon:  N/R  

PM Sweeps, (Vacant Position):  N/R

Past President, John Coyle: N/R

Parliamentarian, Dale Erickson:  N/R

Canadian Representative, Chris Marshall:  Rich Davidson will take over for Chris as Canadian Rep next year.  Chris and Bob Shakespeare will handle Tournaments for 2018/2019.  Chris said there will be some changes in the tournament formats next year.  Sponsorships will be handled the same next year as 2018.   He will address the overlap in tournaments of the same type, especially when the Men and Women have the same type of tournament so close together.

Webmaster, Jim Pollard: If you haven’t visited the Websight recently, we think you will enjoy the video taken from a Drone that highlights the beauty of our Course.  More information will be added this Summer, check it out.       


NEW BUSINESS:  Our Welcome Back luncheon next year (11/15/18) will be in the Ballroom.  We will serve Pizza and Beer.

CLOSING REMARKS (PRESIDENT):  Doug welcomed the new Board Members who were installed this morning.

ADJOURNMANT.  President Doug Hodson adjourned the meeting at:  9:35am  

Previous General Membership Meeting Minutes

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