Minutes: Apr 18, 2017

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Call to Order: President Doug Hodson called the meeting to order at: 9:00 am


Pledge of Allegiance was led by: John Fox


Roll Call by Secretary John Whitney


President: Doug Hodson, VP: Rick Yeo, Secretary: John Whitney, Treasurer: Gary Druckrey, Club Liason: Bob Larsen, Member at Large: John Coyle, Member at Large: Tony Tilt.


Committee Chairmen:

 Handicap/SCGA: Clint Jay:  Membership:  Brian Duckworth, Tournaments: Orest Kruhlak, Publicity: Dennis Hanks, Hearts & Flowers: David Shaw, Hole-in-One: Ken Gordon, Social: Howard Hudson, Rules: Byron Harvie, AM Sweeps: Ken Gordon, PM Sweeps: Bob Bridenbach (Temporary), Past Pres: John Coyle, Parliamentarian: Dale Erickson, Canadian Delegate: Chris Marshall, Webmaster: John Fox.


Not Present:  John Whitney, Tony Tilt, Orest Kruhlak, David Shaw, Ken Gordon, Byron Harvie, Chris Marshall.


Minutes:  Without objection, the minutes of the March 21st,  2017 General Membership Meeting will be approved by unanimous consent.


Treasurer’s Report:  Treasurer Gary Druckrey, Financial Report as of February,2017.  Balance forward: $21,702.16, Deposits: $8,631, Expenses: $15,747.36, Register Balance: $14,585.80, Tournament Fund balance: ($10.00).  Current Men’s balance: $13,864.80.  The report is posted on the bulletin board.


Officers Comments/Reports:

President – Doug Hodson:  We have two important Board positions to fill next year, the Handicap and Membership chairmen positions.  Clint is retiring after 20 years of excellent work and Brian Duckworth is looking to do the same.  Please consider filling one of these positions or maybe you know someone we can talk to who will be interested in helping out.  The future of the Men’s Club may hinge on finding dedicated members to fill these positions.


VP – Rick Yeo: Rick addressed slow play and presented some ways to speed it up.  We have had two to four groups backed up on par 3’s and Rick suggested we call up the next group, unless there is an open tee box on the next hole.  Also, start lining up putts before it is your turn.  Be ready to tee off, don’t sit in the cart until it is your turn.   There were other suggestions from the members in attendance and all players should be aware of pace of play and how to improve it.  Wednesday of this week is the last tournament of this season.


Secretary – John Whitney: N/R


Treasurer – Gary Druckrey: (See Financial report above)


Club Liaison – Bob Larsen: Once again, I want to thank the volunteers who have worked diligently

to repair ball marks on their assigned holes and to those Men’s Club members who take the time to repair ball marks and fill divots when playing.  Your efforts are very important in ensuring we have outstanding looking greens to putt on.   Those of you on the ball mark repair team who are returning home for the summer, please contact Bob Larsen (760-601-5624, eagleman1222@icloud.com) to make arrangements for returning your repair tool before you depart.  The tools will be reassigned so the program can continue this summer.

Mario is looking at a new type of spreader that will spread a thinner, smooth layer of sand on the greens for maintenance.  Mario thinks he has the correct solution now to improve the greens.

Our request to move the “drop area” on number nine across the water was rejected because it would take the water out of play, which can’t be done.  The existing drop area will be improved by changing the slope and improving the grass you hit from.  Hopefully this will be completed for next season.

There have been discussions about the lack of use of the upper tee on number 11.  Bob submitted a request to utilize the upper tee box more often and proposed a schedule for daily use, tournament placements and alternating placements every other Wednesday.  His schedule will give members an equitable mix of placements during the week.

Bob’s request to add Gold tee markers on holes: 1, 2 and 15 was rejected because the Board determined that doing so would make a short course even shorter.  It was deemed the fairways begin close enough to the tee area and no other alterations were necessary.

The topic of parking carts too close to the green came up again and whether or not Bob Bridenbach should be a “Marsall” and tour the course to address members who park too close.  Bob Larsen suggested that offenders be turned in to Bob Bridenbach by license number on their carts.

There was a discussion about when Men and Women can play on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after the women and men are done with their shotguns.  Beginning on April 1, play may begin after the last group has finished their rounds on the appropriate days. Channel 98 says after 5 pm but that is incorrect and we will take care of changing that.


Member at Large – John Coyle: N/R


Member at Large – Tony Tilt: N/R


Handicap – Clint Jay: Clint and Doug went to a meeting with the SCGA, who suggested that we send all dues to them (SCGA) and they will refund our share back.  We are a private club and don’t have live by those rules.  Once the SCGA receives a direct membership, they will send out renewals each year and we won’t receive the money we are due.  All memberships and renewals must come through the Men’s Club to insure we get our share of the dues.


Membership – Brian Duckworth: We have two more renewals that just came in.


Tournaments – Orest Kurhlak (report given by John Coyle):  The last tournament of the year is tomorrow the 19th.  It is the Mini-member, couples or pairs(scramble) and should have about 70 teams.  John will handle this tournament for Orest as he is leaving for Cananda.  There will be about $2800 paid out in prize money (about half of the field will receive a monetary prize).  Sign- ups have surpassed expectations but we are thrilled.  There won’t be any money holes but the 50/50 and blackout board will provide a chance to win additional money.  The luncheon will be Burgers and Beer and there will be doughnuts and coffee at registration.  Be patient with “pace of play” if you are a participant but do your part in keeping play moving.


Publicity – Dennis Hanks: N/R


Hearts & Flowers – David Shaw: The following cards have been sent since February 21st:

Get Well cards:    George Gamble, Diane McGinnis, Glenn Weller, Jim Tatum, Jim Olsen,                                  Tony Tilt, John Pregenzer, Desmond Fitzgerald

Sympathy cards:  Chuck Thompson, Sulimoff Family, Hogan Family, Candido Family

Thinking of You:   Ginny Sulimoff, Jim Tatum


Hole in One – Ken Gordon:  $711 in Hole-in-one pot.  Three players qualify so far.


Social – Howard Hudson: N/R


SCGA – Clint Jay: N/R


Rules – Byron Harvie: N/R



AM Sweeps – Ken Gordon:  N/R


PM Sweeps – Bob Bridenbach (temporary): N/R


Past President – John Coyle:  N/R


Parliamentarian – Dale Erickson: N/R


Canadian Representative – Chris Marshall:  N/R


Website Management – John Fox: N/R


OLD BUSINESS:  The $5.00 allocated for prize money each week will all be paid out during the summer months, rather than holding out $1.00 for administrative expenses as we do during the season.  Since so few pay in during the summer, it is only fair that all $5 be paid out for a few months.


NEW BUSINESS: A motion was made and seconded to donate $1500 to the “Tree Fund” from the Men’s Club.  The motion passed.

We are looking at purchasing a Dry Erase Board to post tournament information and scores.  The Board is doing research and will report back to the General Membership next season.


Closing Remarks:

Have a great summer, see you next season.


Adjournment:  Meeting adjourned at 10:50 am by President Doug Hodson.


Previous General Membership Meeting Minutes

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