Minutes: Feb 21, 2017





Call to Order: President Doug Hodson called the meeting to order at: 9:00 am


Pledge of Allegiance was led by:  Dale Erickson                  


Roll Call by Secretary John Whitney


President: Doug Hodson, VP: Rick Yeo, Secretary: John Whitney, Treasurer: Gary Druckrey, Club Liason: Bob Larsen, Member at Large: John Coyle, Member at Large: Tony Tilt.


Committee Chairmen:

 Handicap/SCGA: Clint Jay:  Membership:  Brian Duckworth, Tournaments: Orest Kruhlak, Publicity: Dennis Hanks, Hearts & Flowers: David Shaw, Hole-in-One: Ken Gordon, Social: Howard Hudson, Rules: Byron Harvie, AM Sweeps: Ken Gordon, PM Sweeps: Bob Bridenbach (Temporary)Webmaster: John Fox


Not Present: Dennis Hanks, Tony Tilt


Minutes:  Without objection, the minutes of the January 17, 2017 General Membership Meeting will be approved by unanimous consent.


Treasurer’s Report:  Treasurer Gary Druckrey, Financial Report as of January, 2017.  Balance forward: $34,256.55, Deposits: $8,701, Expenses: $20,441.52, Register Balance is: $22,516.03, Tournament Fund balance is ($3970). Hole-in-one balance is: ($696).   Current Men’s balance is $17,850.03. The report is posted on the bulletin board.


Officers Comments/Reports:

President  – Doug Hodson:  Doug said there will be a Celebration of Life for Dick Dill at 2pm on Sunday the 26th in the Ballroom. 


VP – Rick Yeo: N/R


Secretary – John Whitney: N/R


Treasurer – Gary Druckrey: (See Financial report above)


Club Liaison – Bob Larsen:  Thanks to the green’s repair teams; they are doing a great job. 

There have been conversations about the green speed and what is the best system to use for attaining the goal of .115 (as per Mario).  More on that later as discussions continue. 

The individual who was cutting in Cups has been replaced.

In regards to our parking restrictions around the clubhouse, we need to maintain early efforts to avoid parking in the area except in the marked cart parking spaces.  No parking is allowed from 7 am to 4 pm, unless you are turning nines at #1 or #10.     


Member at Large – John Coyle: N/R


Member at Large – Tony Tilt: N/R


Handicap – Clint Jay:  SCGA is late in getting our magazines out but they are on the way.   


Membership – Brian Duckworth:  We have 321 members. 


Tournaments – Orest Kruhlak:  The Member/Guest was a great success.  Orest talked to some of the members who didn’t participate, asking why.  Only one said the price was too expensive.  Some didn’t think they could compete, so they didn’t try.  We must do a better job of convincing members that there are different flights and they always have a shot at prize money.  We need to spread the word that the format (Horserace, etc) is fun and worth their while to participate.  As for our budget for the M/G, we spent $3500 on the event, money well spent. 

The Cocktail party in the Ballroom was a hit but Spouse attendance was low.  If we can’t muster more interest from Spouses next season, we may have to try something else the following year.

Club Championship coming up the first of March, no cost and lots of prizes.  There will be 6 Flights so it will be competitive, gross and net.    



Publicity – Dennis Hanks: N/R


Hearts & Flowers – David Shaw:  Clarence Airey received a get well card.


Hole in One – Ken Gordon:  $138 in fund.


Social – Howard Hudson: N/R


SCGA – Clint Jay:    See above


Rules – Byron Harvie: N/R


AM Sweeps – Ken Gordon:   N/R


PM Sweeps – Bob Briedenbach (Temporary)


Past President – John Coyle :  Hole in One has two current recipients for this year and then next year we will collect prize money at renewals and new memberships. 


Parliamentarian – Dale Erickson: N/R


Canadian Representative – Chris Marshall: Match play competition continues and should conclude on time.  One match is done and the rest are in final or semi-final playoffs.  All should be completed by March 19th. 


Website Management – John Fox:  John couldn’t get the computer to link with the projector so next month we will try again to run through the new Website. 


OLD BUSINESS:  Board of Directors voted to send $100 to Meals on Wheels. 




NEW BUSINESS:  There will be a brick laid on the first tee in honor of Dick Dill

Dale Erickson thanked Doug and Gary for their efforts in hanging the flags on Palm Trees for all to see.  They looked great, except for the wind causing some to fly off.  That problem has been solved for future dates. 

Buck Davis said there are only 8 (couples) openings left for the Hot Dog Tournament on March 30th.  It will be a Scotch Twosome format.  Get back to Buck as soon as possible as space is limited. 

Orest made a request for someone to volunteer to make coffee on the first Wednesday of each month for the Men’s Club as Buck cannot physically handle the coffee maker any longer.  If we don’t find a replacement, coffee service will stop. 

Jim Tatum is in the hospital for Bladder Surgery, we will get a card out to him. 


Closing Remarks: None



Adjournment:  Meeting adjourned at  by President Doug Hodson at 9:40a


Previous General Membership Meeting Minutes

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