Minutes Oct 23, 2018

General Membership Meeting of October 23, 2018

 Call to Order: President John Coyle called the meeting to order at 9:00am

 Pledge of Allegiance was led by: Dennis Hanks

Roll Call by Secretary John Whitney

Absent: Bob Shakespeare, Dale Erickson, Chris  Marshall, Dan Cameron, David Shaw, Ken Gordon, Byron Harvie, Rich Davidson, JimPollard


President: John Coyle, Vice Pres: Ron Hagedorn, Secretary: John Whitney, Treasurer: Clarke Sharar, Club Liaison: Richard Warburton, Member at Large: Bob Shakespeare, Member at Large: Dale Erickson.

Committee Chairmen:

Handicap/SCGA: Stephen Warren, Membership: Doug Hodson, Tournaments: Chris Marshall/Bob Shakespeare, Publicity: Dan Cameron, Hearts and Flowers: David Shaw, Hole-in One: Ken Gordon, Social: Vacant, Rules: Byron Harvie, AM Sweeps: Ken Gordon, PM Sweeps: Vacant, Past President: Doug Hodson, Parliamentarian: Dale Erickson, Canadian Representative: Rich Davidson, Webmaster: Jim Pollard.

Minutes:  Without objection, the minutes of the General Membership meeting of May 15, 2018, as posted on the Men’s Club Website, will be approved by unanimous consent.  Approved.

Treasure’s Report: The Treasurer’s report is posted on the bulletin board.  Deposits: $1945, Expenses: $0, Starting Balance (from the end of last season): $8,711.02, Tournament Fund: $1250, Member Dues: $620, Withdrawals (Hole-in-One payments): $985, Hole-in-One Fund: $75, Current Men’s Club balance: $15,995.19

Officers Comments/Reports:

President, John Coyle:

John introduced the new Board members and their backgrounds.

He reviewed some of the new rules of golf that will be introduced later in the year.  He mentioned that the changes can be found on our website and that Byron Harvie will be making a presentation on significant rules most members will be interested in later in the season.

John reviewed some of the significant items from the May 15, 2018 General Membership meeting.

9 members were paid for Hole-in-Ones last season.

If you have a complaint or anyone you know has one about anything on the Course, please take your concerns to one of the Members-at-Large (Erickson or Shakespeare) or Rich Warburton.  It is their job to bring complaints/concerns about maintenance or anything else out of the ordinary to the PDGMGC.

John previewed this year’s tournament and schedule, beginning with The Eclectic Tournament and Luncheon on December 9th and 12th.  This will be an individual score tournament, not team as in the past.  We have two Team events later in the season and a third was deemed overkill.

December 10th will be the first Association tournament with other golf communities, played at Oasis CC.  Our team is full at this point.  Ken Dobson and Doug Hodson are the contacts for team activities.  More on that schedule later in the season.

Quick schedule: Opening Day (full) November 9th, Turkey Shoot Nov.14th, Welcome Back lunch on November 15th, November 20 for General Membership Meeting (Steven Lorick “First Tee” Executive Director) will present a slide show.

VP, Ron Hagedorn:

Ron spoke to one of Andy’s crew about current Course maintenance and learned they have made an initial cut of the grass, about half as much as the usual height to give the grass a chance to grow stronger.

Greens will be cut in straight lines, rather than turning the mower on the edge of the green, damaging the area that meets the fringe.  The edges will be hand mowed to prevent any more damage.

Secretary, John Whitney: N/R

Treasurer, Clarke Sharar:  See Financials above.  We will be auditing the Club books every year from now on to insure everything is done correctly and all deposits and withdrawals are handled properly.  Clarke received a “bogus” text from John Coyle to send a check or WalMart money order to New York.  Somebody hacked our phone numbers and probably email   addresses from the Men’s Club Website.  Don’t trust anyone who texts or emails for money.

We are looking for a new and more cooperative and customer focused bank to house our funds, more later.

 Club Liaison, Richard Warburton:

Several bunkers have been worked on, especially prominent traps (front of greens rather than on the back side).  Andy Diaz is working on more greens for upgrades (mostly new sand).

The new fence on #7 has been installed.

John Coyle sat in on the last Association meeting for Richard and brought them up to date on our activities.

Bob Breidenbach has been in contact with Byron Harvie about the new drop zones around #5 green.  We have other options like dropping a ball at the point of an OB rather than run back to the tee and re-hit or enforce the “provisional ball” off the tee.  More on that later with the other rule changes.

Member -at-Large, Bob Shakespeare: N/R

Member -at-Large, Dale Erickson: N/R

Handicap, Stephen Warren:

Please sign score cards (legibly) if you want Steve to post your scores. He will be posting Sweeps and Tournament scores.  We are all charged with posting other scores.

Membership, Doug Hodson:  We have 98 paid members so far, including 7 new members.  Doug projects total membership will probably hit around 308.  Doug Hodson has been working on Sponsors but will turn it over to Chris and Bob to complete the solicitation.  This money is important because it defrays some of the costs of tournaments, so players don’t have to pay higher entry fees.

Tournaments, Chris Marshall/Bob Shakespeare:  N/R

Publicity, Dan Cameron: N/R

Hearts & Flowers, David Shaw:  The following cards have gone out since the last meeting:

“Get Well” cards:  George McGinnis, Mike Roberts, Phil Fields, Tom Lawell, Darrell Davis, Larry and Jerrie Miracle, Ken Dankenbring, Bella Gutierrez, Jim Olsen and Mike Scambati.

“Thinking of you” cards went out to:  Glen Weller, Jim Tatum, Roger and Mike Gibson.

“Sympathy cards” went out to Cheryl Fields and Family, Gary W. Johnson and Family, The Darrell Davis Family, Dave Levandowski (for his brother who suddenly died) and The Jim Tatum Family.

  Hole-in-One, Ken Gordon:

Two winners this summer:  Dennis Bushee (#7) and JimJohnson (#7)

Social, Vacant

SCGA, Stephen Warren: N/R

Rules, Byron Harvie:  N/R

AM Sweeps, Ken Gordon:

John Coyle reported that this year we will implement a new Sweeps configuration once a month that will group A, B, C and D players.  The groups will be randomly selected by the computer.  This will allow players to meet and get to know new members.

PM Sweeps, (Vacant Position):  See AM Sweeps.

Past President, Doug Hodson: N/R

 Parliamentarian, Dale Erickson:  N/R

 Canadian Representative, Rich Davidson: N/R

 Webmaster, Jim Pollard:

The new design of the PDGMGC site has a more streamlined appearance:

  • More white space
  • Better formatting for tablets and phones
  • Lighter colors
  • More green highlights (green is a part of our name after all)

Things that often change will be easier to find:

Home Page – “What’s New” with latest news.  This will keep members informed of any changes between meetings.  If members have suggestions for the Club, complete the form in the “Contact Us” page in the “About Us” menu.

New content pages are flagged with an asterisk in the menu, so members won’t have to wonder whether something has been updated.  “New” means updated or added within the past week.

Sweeps will be flagged as new, only until the following Wednesday morning, no matter when the last update was posted.

In most cases, only the most current version of frequently updated pages will be found in the menu.  If members wish to see past versions of meetings, or “Sweeps” activities, there is a link at the bottom of the current version.

The calendar shows only current or upcoming events.  If you want to know about past events, there is a button on the calendar that allows searching.

There is a “New Members” section that John Coyle and Ron Hagedorn assembled.  This might help further educate new members and/or older members who still aren’t sure about how everything works.




ADJOURNMENT.  President John Coyle adjourned the meeting at: 10:10 am