Minutes Mar 19, 2019

General Membership Meeting of March 19, 2019
Call to Order: President John Coyle called the meeting to order at 9:00am

Pledge of Allegiance was led by: Mike Largent

Roll Call by Secretary John Whitney

Absent: Dale Erickson, Doug Hodson, Steve Warren, Dan Cameron, Jim Pollard


President: John Coyle, Vice Pres: Ron Hagedorn, Secretary: John Whitney, Treasurer: Clarke Sharar, Club Liaison: Richard Warburton, Member at Large: Bob Shakespeare, Member at Large: Dale Erickson.

Committee Chairmen:

Handicap/SCGA: Stephen Warren, Membership: Doug Hodson, Tournaments: Chris Marshall/Bob Shakespeare, Publicity: Dan Cameron, Hearts and Flowers: David Levandowski, Hole-in One: Ken Gordon, Social: Vacant, Rules: Byron Harvie, AM Sweeps: Ken Gordon, PM Sweeps: Vacant, Past President: Doug Hodson, Parliamentarian: Dale Erickson, Canadian Representative: Rich Davidson, Webmaster: Jim Pollard.

Minutes:  Without objection, the minutes of the General Membership meeting of February 19, 2019, as posted on the MGC Website, will be approved by unanimous consent.  Approved.

Treasure’s Report: The Treasurer’s report for February is posted on the bulletin board.  Expenses: $34,902.66, Receipts: $27,226, Current Men’s Club balance: $9832.04 (two banks)

Officers Comments/Reports:

President, John Coyle:

John thanked Gary Johnson, Nate Parsons and Paul Kaeser for their efforts in draining the lake formed by a broken pump on number 9 recently.  The Board voted to give them each a gift certificate for our restaurant.

Dick Partee passed away recently.  His company has been a consistent sponsor over the years.  John sent a note to his company, thanking them for their past support.

John tried to line up Pete Donavan as our guest speaker for this meeting but he had a previous commitment.

Mr. Coyle brought some new rule books for anyone who needs or wants one.

An issue from the last Membership meeting was revisited and that was the cost of lunch at the Club Championship tournament.  He told those present that the Board decided that there would be a charge for future Club Championship lunches for the approximate cost of the meal.  He also thanked the membership for their input on this matter.

A Code of Conduct was established for our members in hopes of making all of us aware that we expect all players to adhere to accepted behavioral guidelines.  The Board felt it was necessary to establish standards now. This new Code was established as a result of a few incidents lately that offended members on the golf course.

One of our members mentioned that some golfers are parking the golf cart closer than 30’ to the green, which is a violation of the general rule.  John told the members that only Bob B could make any exceptions to the rule and if you see a violation, report it to Bob.  There are a limited number of members who may be able to park closer to the green but Bob must approve.  If you see someone violating the rule, please mention to them that this is in violation of Club rules and if they have any questions they should talk to Bob B.

VP, Ron Hagedorn: N/R

Secretary, John Whitney: N/R

Treasurer, Clarke Sharar:  See Financials above.

Club Liaison, Richard Warburton:

Richard reminded members to clear their Pro Shop Credits account by June 30th or lose your credits.

Member -at-Large, Bob Shakespeare: N/R

Member -at-Large, Dale Erickson: N/R

Handicap, Stephen Warren:  N/R

Membership, Doug Hodson:  N/R

Tournaments, Chris Marshall/Bob Shakespeare:

The Club Championship tournament was a success.

Our next tournament is the Presidents Cup on March 27th.  We have 70 players signed up so far.  The format will be a 4 person Stableford, with various Flights.

Our final tournament will be the Spring Scramble on April 17.  It also will be flighted by handicap and be a 4-person scramble.  This will be our final tournament of the season and it is open to anyone in the Complex.

We would like to add a few more Sponsors to our list.  If you know of a business that could benefit from our advertising potential, please ask them to participate.

Publicity, Dan Cameron: N/R

Hearts & Flowers, David Levandowski:  The following cards have gone out since the last meeting:

            LaDonna Keaton and Alex Smutko received Get Well Cards.

Hole-in-One, Ken Gordon:

We have two Holes-in-One this season, Kelly Cooper and Dennis Bushee.

Social, Vacant

SCGA, Stephen Warren: N/R

Rules, Byron Harvie:

Byron passed out a 15-question quiz on some of the new rules, to test our knowledge.  If the results of this test are any indication of our rules knowledge, keep an eye on the other three players in your group.

AM Sweeps, Ken Gordon:  N/R

PM Sweeps, (Vacant Position):  See AM Sweeps.

Past President, Doug Hodson: N/R

Parliamentarian, Dale Erickson:  N/R

Canadian Representative, Rich Davidson:

Webmaster, Jim Pollard: N/R




ADJOURNMENT.  President John Coyle adjourned the meeting at: 10:00 am