Minutes Oct 22, 2019

General Membership Meeting of October 22, 2019

 Call to Order: President John Coyle called the meeting to order at 9:00am

 Pledge of Allegiance was led by: Mike Bennett

Roll Call by Secretary John Whitney

 Board Members Absent:  Ron Hagedorn, Bob Shakespeare, Chris Marshall, Dale Erickson, Dan Cameron, Ken Gordon, Byron Harvie, Rich Davidson, Jim Pollard

 President: John Coyle, Vice Pres: Ron Hagedorn, Secretary: John Whitney, Treasurer: Clarke Sharar, Club Liaison: Richard Warburton, Member at Large: Bob Shakespeare, Member at Large: Dale Erickson.

Committee Chairmen:

Handicap/SCGA: Stephen Warren, Membership: Doug Hodson, Tournaments: Chris Marshall/Bob Shakespeare, Publicity: Dan Cameron, Hearts and Flowers: David Levandowski, Hole-in One: Ken Gordon, Social: Vacant, Rules: Byron Harvie, AM Sweeps: Ken Gordon, PM Sweeps: Vacant, Past President: Doug Hodson, Parliamentarian: Dale Erickson, Canadian Representative: Rich Davidson, Webmaster: Jim Pollard.

Minutes:  Without objection, the minutes of the General Membership meeting of April 16, 2019, as posted on the MGC Website, will be approved by unanimous consent.  Approved.

Treasure’s Report: The Treasurer’s report for September 19, 2019 is posted on the bulletin board.  Expenses: $1646, Deposits: $617, Current Men’s Club balance: $6964.49 (through 9/19/19).

Officers Comments/Reports:

President, John Coyle:

The Welcome Back Lunch will be held at the Rec Center on Thursday, November 14.  Pizza, beer and soda will be served.  We need volunteers for set up and take down and need some large coolers.

November 13th begins this seasons Wednesday Sweeps.  Team games will be played in the morning only.  The Turkey shoot is scheduled for November 20, Ham Shoot is on December 18.

Schedule of coming events:

  • Eclectic in December
  • Member-Member in January
  • Member- Guest in February
  • Club Championship in March
  • Presidents Cup in March
  • Spring Scramble in April
  • Election of Officers in March (two-year terms)

By-Laws revisions:  job descriptions, election procedures, member rights and responsibilities need updating.

Last Season the Board decided to cancel the May General Membership meeting.  A very high percentage of our members who leave for the summer depart from the middle to the end of May. The Board will discuss this situation at a future meeting and vote to make a permanent change.

The Inter-Club League is now an independent PDG club not affiliated with PDGMGC.  It is most ably directed by Ken Dobson and Doug Hodson.

Charity Tournament: This is not an MGC sponsored activity but John will co-chair the event and may ask for help

World Handicap System, January 2020 (Handouts will be given out later in the meeting)

 VP, Ron Hagedorn: N/R

Secretary, John Whitney: N/R

Treasurer, Clarke Sharar:  See Financials above.

 Club Liaison, Richard Warburton:

The Pro-shop will reopen on November 5th.  The Course opens on November 11th, Cart Path only for a month or so, before going to the 90-degree rule.

Twilight play will begin in November/December at 1:30.

November and December Sweeps will be played at 7:30 and 12 noon to allow enough daylight to complete the round.

We would like to reinstitute the Greens maintenance program and hope to have enough participants to assign permanent greens for selected teams.  Please let Rich know if you would like to be assigned to a green near your residence.

 Member -at-Large, Bob Shakespeare: N/R

 Member -at-Large, Dale Erickson: N/R

Handicap, Stephen Warren:

Stephen summarized the 5 things you need to know about handicaps changing daily.

The average score of your 8 best rounds (of your 20 most recent rounds) will be used.

Your Course handicap will be the number of strokes needed to play to par (not Course rating).

Maximum score for each player will be limited to Net Double Bogey.

Handicap will be revised daily.

New system will limit extreme upward movement of players handicap index.

 Membership, Doug Hodson:

93 Paid members.  6 new member applications are being held so they won’t be charged twice in one season.  3 new applications were received this morning.

Tournaments, Chris Marshall/Bob Shakespeare:

First tournament is the Employee benefit tournament (sold out) on November 9th.

December 4th and 8th is the Eclectic tournament.  Sign up as a group or an individual.

January 8th and 11th will be the Member/Member.  We plan on using the same format as last year, Scramble on day one and Pinehurst on the second day.

As is custom, there will be: Blackout boards, KP’s, Hit the 4th and 14th green with your tee shot and Skins.

Chris and Bob wish to thank Doug Hodson for his efforts in signing up sponsors this year.  9 Sponsors have sent in checks with more to come.

Publicity, Dan Cameron: N/R

Hearts & Flowers, David Levandowski:

A Sympathy card was mailed to Valerie Anderson.  Valerie’s husband Dennis passed away.

A card was sent to TomDearey due to his scheduled surgery

Hole-in-One, Ken Gordon:  N/R

A bag tag and $25 was given Randy Wulff for his Ace on # 6 last August.

Social, Vacant

SCGA, Stephen Warren:  N/R

Rules, Byron Harvie:  N/R

A.M. Sweeps, Ken Gordon:  N/R

P.M. Sweeps, (Vacant, see AM Sweeps)

Past President, Doug Hodson: N/R

 Parliamentarian, Dale Erickson:  N/R

Canadian Representative, Rich Davidson: N/R

 Webmaster, Jim Pollard: N/R


Buck Davis appealed to the members for a volunteer to make coffee on the first Wednesday of the month, to go with the doughnuts provided by the MGC.  Please see him to accept this duty.


Clarke Sharar informed the attendees that we are charged $5.00 for checks written on a Canadian Bank account.  The members present voted against the MGC paying the $5.00 and requested that our Canadian members make other arrangements (cash or money order).

Ken Dobson made a pitch for members to consider the supplemental game being played on Wednesday afternoons (“Jimmy Black” group), $10 fee and skins.  He also mentioned there is a Saturday morning game ($5.00 and skins) that members are invited to join.


ADJOURNMENT.  President John Coyle adjourned the meeting at: 9:40 am.

Previous General Membership Meeting Minutes